Meet Fairy Freckles & Friends

Fairy Freckles
Fairy Freckles is a fun fairy with rainbow freckles on her face that give her special magical powers. Her favourite thing to do is to fly from her home, ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow,’ to children’s birthdays and spread some magical fun with her mischievous ways. Fairy Freckles likes to paint butterflies wings in her spare time and her favourite party trick is to transform her party friends into beautiful fairy creatures with her amazing face painting.

Giggles the Clown
Giggles the Clown is Fairy Freckles’ best friend who can’t help but make everyone around her giggle, giggle, giggle and giggle some more. Having fun and being silly is Giggles’ favourite thing to do. She loves running away from the Circus to kids parties where she can be the star of her own circus show. Giggles’ favourite party trick is making super dooper balloon creations.

The Flower Fairy
The Flower Fairy is the most beautiful of Fairy Freckles’ friends. She is also from, ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow,’ and is in charge of painting all of the flowers of the world. With such a big job, on her days off she also loves to fly to children’s birthday parties and spread her flower love and play lots of fun games, make lovely flower balloons and face paint beautiful flower designs on her party friends.

The Rainbow Mermaid
The Rainbow Mermaid comes from the rainbow world under the sea. When she has her magical dancing legs on she loves nothing more than to visit children’s parties and dance. Spinning and twirling she loves playing party games the most of all. She also has a bag full of magic ticks that she learnt from the rainbow dolphins in the sea.

Unicorn Twilight Sparkle
Twilight Sparkle is the unicorn princess of the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom. She loves to meet new little party friends and makes everyone sparkle with her special unicorn magic. Twilight Sparkles’s favourite face paining design is the rainbow unicorn, she also loves to make butterfly balloons.

Pirate Pearl
Pirate Pearl loves a good paarghrty! She and her best friend Pirate Pete live on the floating pirate ship from ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow.’ They like to spread their mischief and have balloons sword fights. They set out to turn the birthday child into a real pirate, showing them the pirate way!
See the Gallery Page for more images of our characters
Founder of Fairy Freckles and Friends, Carly Ford has over five years’ experience as a Children’s Entertainer, specialising in birthday parties. She has trained in Drama, song and dance for over 10 years and has performed in Children’s Shows over Australasia. Carly’s passion for working with kids and flare for creating exciting characters has seen her create Fairy Freckles and Friends and she strives to bring joy, fun and magic to every child’s birthday she visits.
All of our entertainers have a working with children’s check and public liability insurance.
Male entertainers available upon request